
Let's Laugh at the Stupidity of Others!

I found this discarded shopping list in the supermarket earlier. Go on, click on it, it's brilliant.

1.) MOOSE? You can't buy a Moose in Tesco. In fact, I don't think you can find a Moose in any supermarket, although I haven't tried Aldi in a while.
2.) What the frig is "backlunch"?
3.) Baby food? Oh Christ, it's got a child.
4.) Camel? Cemal? Carel? Fuck knows.

I also particularly enjoy the way the author reminds him/herself of the amount of lightbulbs he/she needs- "10 of them". Lovely.

Yes, I know it's very poor to laugh at the idiots, but Laura and I took the "Test the Nation" I.Q test tonight, and we both did okay although she beat my 115 with her very clever 127 mutter mumble curse.


Anonymous said...

hee hee love it! You've probably taught the babie's elder brother!

I got 113 last time I did the test I think, so you're cleverer than me if that's any compencaytion...compensasion... compensation?

Anonymous said...

baby's - sorry!

bethan said...

and i thought this was the saddest shopping list...yours is truly depressing!