
It's All Coming True.

Presenting The Big Donor Show, a reality-television special airing this Friday night in Holland where a cancer victim will choose which of three kidney-disease sufferers will inherit her kidneys after her inevitable death. The selection process will involve video diaries from the three hopefuls, conversations with their friends and families and, best of all, "viewers will vote by text to urge her who to choose after the videos... have been broadcast" (article here).

A decade ago, this sort of thing was what alternative comedy was made of- We've all seen The Day Today, one can imagine this win-a-kidney gameshow being hosted by Chris Morris in his meth-head Paxman guise, but it's totally real, and produced by (who else?) Endemol, Big Brother fans.

Keep in mind that every "TWAT #2 2 WIN LOL VIKI IN DRBY XXX" text that scrolls across the bottom of the screen during the new series is helping to fund television in which death and disease are boiled and sifted to make a televisual gruel on which CUNTS GROW FATTER AND MORE STUPID, and in which you're not texting to evict some dead-eyed no-mark, but to save an actual disease-ravaged human life.

Whatever next, eh? Anyone for Monkey Tennis?


Anonymous said...

I want your kids you hot arsecandle you, Joe sent me the link, as you say satirists of Morris' ilk (derieded by the masses for the real confrontational stuf pedogeddon etc) have been portentious with a lot of this stuff and amusiningly lifting a reference from Orwell's 1984 to seems to lend even more credence to his writing, either that or i'm a crack loving bitch, peace and fucking.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Zyklon B is a sports drink? Are you forever berating the Darkies for taking 'our jobs' even though you've been on the dole for 25 years? Do you want to bring back capital punishment for paediatricians?

If so the Kilroy team would like to speak to you today. Steal a child's mobile telephone and call on....

Anonymous said...

It's armageddon for sure.

Here's one for all you c*nts out there:


It'll well turn you into a self-facilitating media node. It's gonna be total fucking Mexico!